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Monday, April 21, 2014

Life lately via Instagram

^Last Tuesday, we lost my sweet mamaw.  This is one of our favorite photos 
of my grandparents as it truly shows how much love they have for each other.  
As broken hearted as I am to have lost her, my heart aches for my grandpa as she 
is the only girl that he ever loved.  What an inspiration and true love story the love 
that they share will always be for us.  Please continue to keep him in your prayers
as he as never been without her.  And thank you SO much for all of your sweet
comments, flowers, messages, notes, food, cards, etc.  It truly means the world
to my family and I.  Sorry that I have not blogged in a week as I took time 
to spend with my family during this time.    

^Spoke to an Entrepreneurship class at Coastal Carolina University. 

^Took some blog photos with Michael Maxson for the blog and found this fabulous
Easter look. (Dress, Necklace, Hat)

^Ran across this GORGEOUS illustration by @sumyhre_illustrations. It definitely
made my day to see this and couldn't be more thankful! This look was from the 
Charleston Fashion Week Finale Post. (you can view it here)

^Took some GORGEOUS photos at Brookgreen Gardens with Painting With Pixels

^Wore this adorable dress to a spring celebration.  (Dress ℅, Necklace ℅)

^Took in some sun and sand (Dress ℅, Shoes ℅)

^Worked out and rode my Fit Desk (Top ℅, Watch ℅) 

^Little lunch date action with this clutch and fresh mani. (Clutch ℅)

^Welcomed Spring in wearing this fab blouse and necklace. 
(Blouse ℅, Passport ℅, Luggage Tag ℅, Ring ℅, Necklace ℅) 
^Took an elevator #selfie with the fan at the Grandover Hotel in North Carolina.
^Rocked this cheetah-licious top and hair accessories to a concert.
(Top ℅, Necklace ℅, Hair Clips ℅)

^Styled some fabulous clients at Gallery Boutique. (Top ℅, Jeans, Heels, Earrings)

^Purchased these fabulous Steve Madden's thanks to my favorite blogger Pink Peonies.
Went furniture shopping, imitating her look found here

^Kicked off Spring Break with this FAB beach bag (℅).
Couldn't forget my #shophopesrep koozie. Don't forget to use code: RETAILTHERAPY
for 10% off + FREE SHIPPING at Hope's.
Necklace ℅, Passport ℅, Luggage Tag ℅)

^Little retail therapy on King Street at my fave store Moon & Lola
^Celebrated Mikey's Birthday at Ruth Chris with amazing friends.

Be sure and follow my Instagram (@rtltherapist) to see behind the scene shots, sneak peeks, 
AND great deals only offered to The Retail Therapist followers.  I hope everyone has 
had an amazing Easter weekend and thank you so much for your continued support!!!

OH, and one more thing…don't forget you can vote for 
Vanity Fair's Best Dressed DAILY here

1 comment:

Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your sweetness to help me get through this day. I LOVE hearing from you and checking out your blog. I hope I have made your life a little better today. Don't forget to PIN your favorite pins!


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