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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fashion Week Night 2

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Bits of Lace
Anna Toth 
Anna Toth
Zach Howell 
Zachary Howell
Therese Brown Jlinsnider
                                                       Therese Brown                   |                          Jlinsnider
tres Carmen Boutique  
 Tres Carmen Boutique

My look: Blazer: Gap (similar) | Dress: ℅ Gallery Boutique | Necklace: ℅ Jewelers Wife
Earrings: ℅ Jewelers Wife | Bracelets: ℅ Jewelers Wife | Heels: Guiseppe
Zanotti |  Clutch: ℅ La Rue Chic | Lips: Bobbi Brown

What a great way to kick off Charleston Fashion Week! The weather was a little 
cruddy so I wasn't able to get a lot of pictures of my look, but besides the cold and
rain, the designers brought and styled some amazing pieces.  Bits of Lace had the most
amazing collection of Lingerie and nighties.  The pieces were so elegant and stunning!
The emerging designers stole the show tho! What talent they have and honored to have 
had the opportunity to see these pieces before they take off! 

Can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store!!

Special thanks to Tara of Northern Lights - Southern Belles for the photos! 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! Hope you are having a great time!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina


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